A Generalized Fuel Performance Code
A Generalized Fuel Performance Code
This webinar introduces a new fuel behavior code, PEGASUS, as a total-fuel-cycle performance code for the modeling and simulation of nuclear fuel behavior throughout the entire fuel cycle, from fuel performance in-core to safety evaluation of used-fuel storage and transportation, in a single self-consistent and seamless analysis protocol. Code-unique 3D structural and thermo-mechanical capabilities, built upon a robust finite element computational framework, enables the code to transition from in-core fuel performance analysis mode to ex-core structural analysis mode, maintaining continuity of material conditions between them. In this use, PEGASUS would be the only software needed for complete used fuel integrity evaluation, thereby obviating from current practice of using external structural analysis codes which ignore the effect of damage mechanisms that evolve during in-reactor service and subsequent dry storage.
This webinar will describe key and unique features of PEGASUS code, material and behavior models implemented in the code, applications to Light Water Reactor (LWR) fuels, potential applications to advanced reactors, and status report on the current verification and validation.
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