News & View, Volume 44 | Example Grade 91 High Energy Piping DMW Joint Stress and Metallurgical Analysis

News & Views, Volume 44 | Example Grade 91 High Energy Piping DMW Joint Stress and Metallurgical Analysis

By:  Ben Ruchte

News & View, Volume 44 | Example Grade 91 High Energy Piping DMW Joint Stress and Metallurgical AnalysisDetermining a course of action once in-service damage is discovered often requires applying a multi-disciplinary approach that utilizes Nondestructive Examination (NDE), analytical techniques such as stress analysis, and metallurgical lab examination.  Such was the case recently for a combined cycle plant where indications were found through NDE on the inlet sides of two identical main steam stop/control valves but were not seen on the outlet side.  In this case, Structural Integrity (SI) did not perform the field NDE but was requested to perform analytical and metallurgical assessments of the welds.  The welds in question joined the 1Cr-1Mo-1/2V (SA-356 Grade 9) main stop/control valve body castings to Grade 91 piping, so the welds represent a ferritic-to-ferritic dissimilar metal weld (DMW).  See the Dissimilar Metal Welds in Grade 91 Steel, (page 15) for further information. The welds were made using a 1Cr-1/2Mo (AWS type B2) filler metal, which matches the chromium content of the valve body, but is significantly undermatching in strength to both the valve body material and the Grade 91 piping. 

The course of action taken was to perform local stress analysis and remaining life estimates for the downstream (outlet) connections of the valves to assess likelihood of future damage and establish an appropriate re-inspection interval.  Detailed metallurgical analysis was also performed on a ring (entire circumference) section removed from one of the upstream welds (which exhibited both surface and volumetric indications in the weld metal) in order to provide insight into the damage mechanism and inform the stress analysis and remaining life estimates.


News & View, Volume 44 | Planned and Emergent Outage Support Structural Integrity is on Your Team

News & Views, Volume 44 | Planned and Emergent Outage Support – Structural Integrity is on Your Team

By:  Terry Herrmann

News & View, Volume 44 | Planned and Emergent Outage Support Structural Integrity is on Your TeamWhile the 2018 Spring outage season is mostly behind us, we all know a key element in being able to provide safe, reliable, clean and economic power to energy consumers is how successfully plant outages are accomplished.   I know from personal experience how good planning, including contingency planning, has significantly reduced outage durations (see Figure 1).  I worked my first outage in 1981.  It ran 110 days and was punctuated by rework, surprise discoveries and last-minute procurement of materials and services.  By the late 1990s the industry had established outage milestones for design changes, significantly improved the level of detail in schedules, performed more work with the plant on line and implemented focused outage control organizations.  Except for major activities like condenser retubing, power uprates and emergent issues that impact the scheduled critical path, outage durations today are almost exclusively associated with refueling activities.


News & View, Volume 44 | Metallurgical Lab Featured Damage Mechanism Long-Term Overheating:Creep (LTOC) in Steam-Cooled Boiler Tubes

News & Views, Volume 44 | Metallurgical Lab Featured Damage Mechanism – Long-Term Overheating/Creep (LTOC) in Steam-Cooled Boiler Tubes

By:  Terry Totemeier

News & View, Volume 44 | Metallurgical Lab Featured Damage Mechanism Long-Term Overheating:Creep (LTOC) in Steam-Cooled Boiler TubesLong-term overheating and creep damage are often the damage mechanisms associated with the normal or expected end of life of steam-touched tubes, generally occurring after 100,000 hours or more of service life at elevated temperatures and pressures. Long-term overheating and creep can also occur when the rate or accumulation of creep damage is moderately higher than anticipated by original design. There are a number of possible reasons for this, but in general the problem can be attributed to one of the following: a non-conservative original design, higher-than-anticipated heat absorption, lower-than-anticipated steam flow, or wall loss caused by external wastage.

The mechanism of failure for LTOC is simply the accelerated accumulation of creep damage in the component over a span of time that is well short of the anticipated design life, but sufficiently long that creep is the dominant damage mode. This damage is typically associated with the operation of the tube above the oxidation limit for the material involved.  This has two effects, which both contribute to long-term creep failure: reduction in wall thickness due to oxidation loss, and build-up of oxide on the tube internal surface, which insulates the tube from the cooling effect of the steam, leading to increasing tube metal temperatures over time.


News & View, Volume 44 | Integrated Flow Distributors (IFD) for Bottom Tubesheet Filter:Demineralizers Initial Installation & Performance at Browns Ferry Nuclear Station

News & Views, Volume 44 | Integrated Flow Distributors (IFD)

By:  Ed Dougherty and Al Jarvis

for Bottom Tubesheet Filter/Demineralizers Initial Installation and Performance at Browns Ferry Nuclear StatioNews & View, Volume 44 | Integrated Flow Distributors (IFD) for Bottom Tubesheet Filter:Demineralizers Initial Installation & Performance at Browns Ferry Nuclear StationThe Browns Ferry Nuclear Station (BFNS) intends to implement an extended power uprate (EPU) at all three units beginning in 2018 for Unit 3 and Unit 1, and in 2019 for Unit 2. EPU implementation will increase the total thermal power of each unit by 494 MWth resulting in a total uprate of 20% from the originally licensed thermal power of 3293 MWth.

Each BFNS unit is currently designed with ten bottom tubesheet condensate filter/demineralizers (CF/Ds) in the condensate treatment system that require an application of a powdered resin precoat to perform the function of demineralization. The precoat material is applied as an overlay on top of vertical filter septa. The filter septa have an inner pleated area, and with a precoat overlay, perform the function of demineralization as well as particulate iron removal. In the absence of circulating water leakage into the condenser, the primary function of the CF/Ds is to remove particulate iron that collects in the condenser hotwell. The iron source is from the corrosion of carbon steel piping and components in contact with main steam and heater drain systems.


News & View, Volume 44 | Strategic Internal Corrosion Monitoring for Gas Pipelines

News & Views, Volume 44 | Strategic Internal Corrosion Monitoring for Gas Pipelines

By:  Lance Barton and Tom Pickthall (EnhanceCo)

News & View, Volume 44 | Strategic Internal Corrosion Monitoring for Gas PipelinesA March 16, 2017, advisory bulletin (Docket No. PHMSA-2016-0131 – “Pipeline Safety: Deactivation of Threats”) gave guidance on the deactivation of pipeline threats, including the threat of internal corrosion.  On April 8, 2016, PHMSA issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) entitled “Safety of Gas Transmission and Gathering Pipelines”. Section §192.478 “Internal Corrosion Control: Onshore transmission monitoring and mitigation” of the NPRM would increase the scrutiny and requirements for monitoring and mitigating the threat of internal corrosion for the gas industry.

This bulletin and NPRM reinforce the requirements of CFR part 192-subpart O, Section 192.937, requiring gas pipeline operators to continuously assess their pipelines for the threat of internal corrosion as part of their overall integrity management program.  One of the requirements is to determine if the gas entering the system is corrosive or not corrosive.  The optimal way to prove that the gas is not corrosive is to build a thorough continuous monitoring program that considers guidance from the NPRM and the advisory bulletin.


News & View, Volume 44 | Dissimilar Metal Welds in Grade 91 Steel

News & Views, Volume 44 | Dissimilar Metal Welds in Grade 91 Steel

By:  Terry Totemeier

News & View, Volume 44 | Dissimilar Metal Welds in Grade 91 SteelA dissimilar metal weld (DMW) is created whenever alloys with substantially different chemical compositions are welded together – for example, when a low-alloy steel such as Grade 22 (2¼ Cr-1Mo) is welded to an austenitic stainless steel such as TP304H (18Cr-8Ni).  Many DMWs are commonly present in fossil-fired power plants, examples being material transitions in boiler furnace tubes, stainless steel attachments welded onto ferritic steel tubes or pipes, and stainless steel thermowells or steam sampling lines in ferritic steel pipes.  The chemical composition gradients associated with DMWs present unique issues relative to their design, in-service behavior, and life management, particularly for those DMWs operating at elevated temperatures where solid-state diffusion and cyclic thermal stresses are factors, which was previously presented in News and Views (Volume 43, page 19).

With the now widespread use of Grade 91 steel (9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb) for elevated-temperature applications in modern power plants, DMWs involving this material have become common, and increasing service experience has revealed some unique characteristics and failure mechanisms, especially in thicker-section DMWs with austenitic materials.  This article presents a short overview of Grade 91 DMWs:  their design, fabrication, and failure, with emphasis on current industry issues.

There are two basic classes of DMWs in Grade 91 steel:  ferritic-to-ferritic and ferritic-to-austenitic.  The first type corresponds to Grade 91 welded to another ferritic steel with a lower chromium content, such as Grade 22; the second type corresponds to Grade 91 welded to an austenitic stainless steel such as TP304H.  Each of these types has unique concerns and considerations.


News & View, Volume 44 | Real-Time Damage Tracking with SI Technology and GP Strategies’ EtaPro Expanding Capabilities in Condition-based Pressure-part Integrity Management

News & Views, Volume 44 | Real-Time Damage Tracking with SI Technology and GP Strategies’ EtaPro

By:  Matt Freeman

Expanding Capabilities in Condition-based Pressure-part Integrity Management

News & View, Volume 44 | Real-Time Damage Tracking with SI Technology and GP Strategies’ EtaPro Expanding Capabilities in Condition-based Pressure-part Integrity ManagementStructural Integrity and GP Strategies recently announced an agreement to bring SI’s technology for calculating, tracking, and trending life consumption of piping and boiler components to GP Strategies EtaPRO real-time monitoring platform (Press release here).  SI has a long history with creep and fatigue damage monitoring applications, most recently with the suite of applications available as part of SI’s PlantTrack platform.  The partnership with GP Strategies brings that technology to EtaPRO, which is used worldwide by power-generating organizations to monitor the performance and reliability of their generation assets.

EtaPRO users will benefit from easy integration of SI’s leading-edge Boiler and Piping Component Reliability (BPCR) modules to quantify damage to high-pressure, high-temperature components such as tubing, piping, headers, and desuperheaters. The BPCR modules track and trend accumulated creep and fatigue damage in real time using SI’s proprietary algorithms that combine actual operating data and material condition with a plant’s specific configuration. Plant operators can use the resulting life consumption estimates to guide asset management decisions, such as changes in operating procedures, targeted inspections, or off-line analysis of anomalous conditions.


News & View, Volume 44 | Radiation Source Term Assessments

News & Views, Volume 44 | Radiation Source Term Assessments

By:  Jen Jarvis and Al Jarvis

News & View, Volume 44 | Radiation Source Term AssessmentsNuclear plant workers accrue most of their radiation exposure during refueling outages, when many plant systems are opened for corrective and preventive maintenance. The total refueling outage radiation exposure can be 100-200 person-Rem at a typical Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), and 30-100 person-Rem at a typical Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR). Accrued refueling outage radiation exposure values can be significantly greater than these values depending upon radiation fields, outage work scope, and emergent work. Outage radiation exposure is one metric used by a plant to determine outage success and by industry regulators in assessing the overall performance of a plant. Plants with high personnel radiation exposure tend to be those plants with more equipment problems and more unscheduled shutdowns; consequently, they may be subjected to increased regulatory oversight.

Radiation source term assessments are performed to understand the causes of high collective radiation exposure and to help plants evaluate their strategies for source term reduction. This involves understanding how a plant’s material choices and chemistry and operational history influence the radiation fields that develop in the plant systems. Consequently, a source term evaluation is very plant-specific, but can help a plant identify which strategies may be most effective for their specific situation. 


News & View, Volume 44 | The Impact of the ASCE 7-16 Standard on Seismic Design and Certification of Equipment

News & Views, Volume 44 | The Impact of the ASCE 7-16 Standard on Seismic Design and Certification of Equipment

By:  Matt Tobolski

News & View, Volume 44 | The Impact of the ASCE 7-16 Standard on Seismic Design and Certification of EquipmentThings change, that’s just a fact of life. But when it comes to engineering codes and standards, change can be confusing, frustrating and expensive. As it relates to seismic design and certification of equipment, it is beneficial to understand the impact of code changes early to begin incorporating requirements in new equipment design, product updates and in the certification process.

One of the main structural design codes used in the United States and abroad, American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) 7, undergoes revisions on a five-year cycle. These revisions are based on input from committee members, building officials, interested parties and academia with the goal of ensuring specific performance objectives are achieved as well as incorporating lessons learned from practice. With the increase in enforcement of seismic certification provisions over the past 10 years, there has been a noticeable increase in industry lessons learned. The updates to the seismic provisions in ASCE 7-16 relating to equipment design and certification can primarily be attributed to these lessons learned.


News & View, Volume 43 | In-Line Inspection An Improvement Over Pressure Testing for Pipeline Integrity Management

News & Views, Volume 43 | In-Line Inspection – An Improvement Over Pressure Testing for Pipeline Integrity Management

By:  Scott Riccardella, Dilip Dedhia, and Peter Riccardella 

News & View, Volume 43 | In-Line Inspection An Improvement Over Pressure Testing for Pipeline Integrity ManagementStructural Integrity recently performed probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analysis of a gas transmission pipeline for a major U.S. operator.  The analysis yielded interesting insights in several areas:

Pressure Testing versus In-Line Inspection
Pressure testing has long been considered the gold standard for assuring pipeline integrity.  By testing at a factor (e.g., 1.25x or 1.5x) above the Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP), any size critical flaws in the line would fail at this pressure level and are thus removed prior to future service.  Subcritical flaws that remain after the test will be smaller than the critical flaw sizes during operation, and thus can be assumed to have some margin for growth before they become critical in service.  Flaw growth rates can be calculated based on operational and environmental factors to establish a reassessment interval for future testing or inspections.