News and Views, Volume 54 | Benefits of High-Performance Computing for the Seismic Analysis of Critical Facilities

By Julio Garcia, PhD, PE

Continued advances in the fields of structural and geotechnical engineering and increasing expectations for fidelity and refinement of seismic analysis models have resulted in a computational bottleneck emerging within the structural design activities for critical infrastructure. The Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) analysis is key to characterize a realistic seismic response. Unfortunately, this is computationally demanding, given the need to characterize both the dynamic response of the structure and the site. The traditional SSI framework, System for Analysis of Soil Structure Interaction (SASSI), is a trusted analysis approach with decades of precedence. Our proprietary SSI analysis software, SC-SASSI, incorporates modern enhanced solution algorithms into SASSI and takes advantage of state-of-the-art computing, thereby drastically reducing analysis run-time.

The expanded SSI capabilities coded in SC-SASSI effectively eliminate the model size limitations of previous SASSI platforms and allow more accurate and streamlined treatment of behavior that have traditionally been neglected or often treated conservatively.

This article provides a variety of recent project examples highlighting how the enhanced solutions algorithms of SC-SASSI coupled with HPC capabilities have been leveraged, resulting in gains such as improved accuracy, reduced uncertainty, and accelerated schedules.

Seismic analysis of critical industrial facilities requires the inclusion of the soil into the analysis model to evaluate the influence of the subgrade’s flexibility on the structure’s dynamic behavior. As a result, a soil-structure system is used for this purpose, and the consideration of the soil in the structural behavior is referred to as SSI. Industries other than nuclear also benefit from SSI consideration, both for seismic as well as for other dynamic loading conditions, like machinery vibration. For decades, the SASSI [1] program and its improved derivatives have been an accepted and favored analysis tool for the treatment of seismic SSI effects. With continued advances in the fields of structural and geotechnical engineering, and increasing detail and refinement of analysis models, SASSI has become a computational bottleneck in the design and evaluation of nuclear plant structures, and may not provide the fidelity and detail expected in modern engineering. Compared to the current state of practice for structural finite element (FE) analysis, gross model simplifications are too often perceived to be necessary to ensure reasonable analysis schedules, necessitating numerous assumptions, sensitivity studies, and additional qualitative evaluations to address specific aspects of the real seismic response.

Enhanced solution algorithms have become available since the development and widespread adoption of the original SASSI framework in the early 1980s. The commercial code, SC-SASSI [2], leverages these algorithms to efficiently take advantage of modern high-performance computing (HPC) with dramatic results. Figure 1 shows a flowchart highlighting some of the SC-SASSI improvements to the traditional SASSI. The gold boxes represent areas of key improvement and include the all-new RESPONSE module, which provides advanced postprocessing and is also a “living” module that continues to grow and adapt to the user’s needs.

Figure 1. Key SC-SASSI Improvements (Shown in Gold) to Traditional SASSI Modules.

Expanded SASSI capabilities via HPC functionality allow two primary advantages that lead to project gains: (1) large increases in permissible model sizes (often measured as a larger number of “interaction nodes”) and (2) drastically reduced analysis run-time. The large models now possibly allow direct treatment of SSI phenomena that previously required gross simplification and/or compromise. Key advantages of the HPC enhancements for large models are the handling of features like deep embedment, high-frequency hazard, structure-soil-structure interaction, and high-fidelity models for coupled stress analysis and seismic analysis. The example outlined below demonstrates some of the gains achieved using large models.

Figure 2. Example Nuclear Power Facility FE Model with Direct Consideration of SSSI.

Structure-Soil-Structure Interaction (SSSI)
An ideal example to demonstrate SSSI is that of a Nuclear power generating station. Typically, these sites have multiple structures located near one another, each with components critical to the facility’s safe operation.  The SSI behavior of one structure can affect the SSI behavior of an adjacent structure, referred to as structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI).  Direct consideration of SSSI for multiple large structures has been impractical with traditional SASSI, necessitating the use of 2D “slice” SSSI models or “cascade analysis” techniques. These simplifications seek to reduce the size of the model(s) used to evaluate SSSI effects and/or avoid excessive computer run-times. However, they often insert significant inefficiencies (by way of required benchmarking analysis or decoupled, multi-step analyses) and thus remove realism.   

In contrast, SASSI with HPC provides efficiency to include multiple structures in the same SSI model, thus directly capturing SSSI effects.  In these direct SSSI models, entire multi-building nuclear island complexes have been incorporated into a single analysis run regardless of separation distance, soil properties, foundation depths, etc.  The benefits of direct treatment of SSSI effects include: (a) captures full 3D effects of SSSI behavior on adjacent structures and spatially variable amplitude of SSSI effects; (b) captures two-way feedback between adjacent structures; (c) minimizes the number of separate sensitivity study models to generate and maintain; and (d) allows more streamlined calculation of the relative displacements between adjacent structures.

An example multi-building FE model for direct consideration of SSSI effects in SC-SASSI is illustrated in Figure 2. This pressurized water reactor (PWR) complex [3] combines multiple buildings including the containment building, auxiliary building, radwaste building, turbine building, and intake structure into a single model.  In addition to capturing traditional SSSI effects, the combined model allowed consideration for partially shared load paths between adjacent structures, shared foundations despite separate super-structures, and relative movement between adjacent structures (to directly assess the potential for building impacts and failure of commodities spanning across seismic joints).

Benefits for Short Computational Times
HPC enhancements in SC-SASSI also allow much faster SSI analysis run-times than were possible with traditional SASSI.  The rapid analysis now allows more rigorous treatment of considerations that previously were handled via a sensitivity study or by the enveloping response of bounding cases. Key advantages of the HPC enhancements for shortening the computational times are the handling of features like probabilistic SSI analysis, multiple configurations, and/or alternate boundary conditions (like spent fuel installation facilities that may be analyzed under different cask loading configurations), as well as multiple hazard levels (i.e., design basis and beyond design basis earthquakes). The example outlined below demonstrates gains achieved using rapid analysis.

Probabilistic SSI Analysis
Probabilistic SSI analysis is advantageous over more traditional deterministic methods since it can directly address the inherent uncertainties related to the seismic input motion, soil and structural material behavior, and modeling assumptions. These uncertainties are directly addressed in the probabilistic SSI through randomization of the seismic input motions as well as soil and structural stiffness and damping. However, a drawback in probabilistic SSI analysis is the number of SSI models that are needed to obtain stable and reliable results, and the perceived computational effort associated with analysis of these various models. In practice, at least 30 SSI models are needed using the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) method for the generation of SSI models. For this reason, many structures have traditionally been either analyzed using a deterministic approach or overly simplified for probabilistic analysis to achieve reasonable computational run-time. The use of HPC can mitigate this drawback by significantly reducing the analysis run-time, thus making it feasible to utilize detailed models for probabilistic analysis.

By covering realistic variability of key inputs like soil, structure, and ground motion, probabilistic SSI analyses provide a range of expected structural response results that allow easy identification of either realistic or conservative responses, according to the objective of the evaluation; this represents a significant advantage over deterministic analysis.

The case described below provides an example where probabilistic SSI analyses were used to obtain realistic responses for the purpose of fragility analysis of structures, systems, and components (SSCs) in a nuclear power plant [3]. Each of the 30 probabilistic SSI cases, which included variation of the soil, structural stiffness, damping, and earthquake ground motion, was run for each model. All 30 SSI cases were run in less than one day for each model. These analyses generated 30 In-Structure Response Spectra (ISRS) for each of the selected locations, and the median and 80th percentile spectra were directly extracted. The response spectra variability (βRS), which often must be assumed in fragility calculations, could be directly and accurately calculated for each set of ISRS. Results post-processing is efficiently automated in SC-SASSI. Figure 3 illustrates each resulting ISRS and their post-processing for a typical location.

Figure 3. Example Calculation of Median and 80th% ISRS from Suite of Probabilistic Results.

Ground Motion Incoherence
SC-SASSI offers additional useful features, like ground motion incoherence effects. Ground motion incoherence refers to the spatial variation of the ground motion. In other words, there are differences in the ground motion experienced by two points separated by some distance; the larger the distance, the larger the variability. Considering the effects of ground motion incoherency in SSI analysis enhances the realism of predicted structural response and generally reduces high-frequency response. The relative significance of this refinement depends on several factors, including the foundation input motion’s high-frequency energy content and the foundation footprint’s size. The inclusion of ground motion incoherence in SASSI requires additional computational effort versus coherent ground motion. A common approach in the industry to minimize the additional computational effort is to limit the number of coherency modes in the analysis to some minimum number of modes that can still capture realistic SSI behavior. However, the industry debates on how many modes are sufficient under different conditions. HPC capabilities in SC-SASSI mitigate the computational penalty for maintaining many coherency modes, thus allowing consideration of many modes, even for large and complex structures.

Figure 4. Synchronous Condenser on Pile Foundations and Retrofit Evaluation.

Industrial Facilities on Pile Foundations
Pile foundations are frequently used in industrial facilities. While their static analysis and design are widely understood and applied in practice, the contribution to the dynamic response of piles is often neglected, leading to a mischaracterization of the response, like in the case portrayed below.

At the subject hydroelectric generation facility, the synchronous condenser, responsible for adjusting the electric power before it gets input into the transmission grid, experienced undesirable vibration levels during its initial stages of operation. The source of the high vibration levels is attributed to the resonant dynamic interaction between the condenser, its foundation, and the supporting soil media, which went undetected during the initial design process. The foundation of the condenser consists of a massive reinforced concrete block supported on steel casing piles with reinforced concrete infill.

A detailed three-dimensional finite element SSI model was developed to accurately represent the interaction between forces, structure, soil, and foundation, as displayed in Figure 4a. The model was analyzed using the computer software SC-SASSI, including the recently implemented and validated pile elements. The SSI analysis was able to diagnose the problem, and it also served to evaluate feasible remediation solutions (see Figure 4b). The selection of the retrofit solution was performed with the objectives of (1) reducing vibration amplitudes, (2) shifting the system frequency away from the operation frequency, both (1) and (2) being achieved by increasing the system stiffness and therefore minimizing potential resonance conditions, and (3) minimizing the disruption of the surrounding critical equipment already installed.

Since SASSI’s development and widespread adoption, enhanced solution algorithms have become available. SC-SASSI has incorporated these into the trusted SASSI framework to efficiently take advantage of modern high-performance computing (HPC). Leveraging SC-SASSI to fully utilize HPC can lead to dramatic project gains with reduced schedules, improved realism, and often more targeted, less conservative solutions.

Expanded SASSI capabilities via HPC functionality allow two primary advantages that lead to project gains: (1) large increases in permissible model sizes and (2) drastically reduced analysis run-time.  These two primary advantages allow direct and rigorous treatment of SSI phenomena that previously required gross simplification, compromise, sensitivity studies, and/or overly conservative assumptions.  More specifically, SASSI with HPC allows project improvements in areas such as (a) deep embedment with soft soil and high-frequency hazard, (b) structure-soil-structure interaction, (c) combined high-fidelity models for coupled stress analysis and seismic analysis, (d) probabilistic SSI analysis, (e) multiple configurations and/or alternate boundary conditions, (f) multiple hazard levels, (g) pile foundations, and (h) ground motion incoherency effects.

Project examples illustrated in this article demonstrate that the HPC capabilities in SC-SASSI allow treatment of complex SSI phenomena more rigorously and realistically than traditional SASSI approaches, while at the same time offering faster and more efficient analyses. When implemented to their maximum potential, HPC enhancements in SC-SASSI can lead to project gains by reducing cost, schedule, and risk.


  1. Lysmer, J., Tabatabaie, M., Tajirian, F.,  Vahdani, S., and Ostadan, F.  “SASSI – A system for analysis of soil-structure interaction”. Technical Report UCB/GT/81-02, Geotechnical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1981.
  2. SC Solutions, Inc. “SC-SASSI Manual, Version 2.3.2”. Sunnyvale, California, 2018.
  3. Kosbab, B., Garcia, J., Li, W.,  Tran, H., Talebinejad, I., Bassam, A., and Tilow, K. “Soil-Structure Interaction: Project Gains through use of High-Performance Computing”. Transactions, SMiRT-24, Busan, Korea, 2017.

Get News & Views, Volume 54

News and Views, Volume 54 | Advanced NDE for Hydroelectric Penstock Inspection

By:  Jason Van Velsor and Jeff Milligan

At SI, we regularly combine advanced NDE inspections with fitness for service evaluations to provide value-added solutions for our clients.

Hydroelectric power plants harness two of the most powerful forces on earth, water and gravity.  The integrity of the penstocks that flow water to and away from the turbines in these plants is paramount to safe operation and the safety of the surrounding population. With many hydro plants approaching 100 years of service, critical issues can arise with these penstocks, which may have little to no fabrication documentation, may have significant fabrication imperfections, and may have significant accumulated damage from the environment and many years of service.

Our talented, highly experienced NDE staff can complete in-depth hydroelectric penstock inspections for our clients, providing peace of mind that their assets are safe to continue operating long into the future.

Example of Inspections Completed By SI

Figure 1. (Top) C-Scan image of corrosion spots on the ID of a penstock with the color scheme relative to material thickness; (Bottom) B-Scan image showing the thinnest thickness reading, 0.140 inch.

Phased Array Ultrasonic (PAUT) Corrosion Mapping of Penstocks

SI works with hydroelectric utility companies to provide detailed thickness measurements on specific areas of penstocks. Phased array ultrasonic corrosion mapping provides hundreds of thousands of thickness readings that can produce a detailed image of the inside surface of a penstock, which may have experienced corrosion or erosion that limits penstock life. This highly detailed scan produces the data required for accurate Fitness for Service (FFS) calculations. PAUT corrosion mapping can be performed from the outside diameter of penstocks that are above ground to detect internal wall thinning, or it can be performed from the inside of a penstock, as long as safe access and confined space requirements are met.  An example of the phased array ultrasonic data can be seen in Figure 1 Thickness measurement values, often taken every 0.04 inch (1 mm) along the scan area can be saved and exported using industry standard formats (e.g., CSV, excel, etc.) to support further statistical analysis of the ultrasonic data.

Corrosion Surface Profilometry

Figure 2. Laser scan image of corrosion on the OD of a penstock with pit depths identified.

For a pitted or corroded surface that is accessible to an inspector (ID or OD), the use of a laser profilometry device can be a valuable tool to map and depth size corrosion.  Conventional pit gauge measurement of corrosion on penstock surfaces can be a time consuming and inaccurate process.  The results rely heavily on the experience of the technician as well as the surrounding surface condition.  A more efficient and accurate method is to create an exact image of the surface using a handheld laser scanner.  The laser scanning process is very fast and the results can be displayed as a 3D surface or unrolled to a 2D view.  Reconstruction of the surface is real-time, with color coding used to provide a visual relevance for material loss.  Off-line analysis can be used to make discrete readings of wall loss, or the full map data file can be exported using standard file formats to allow other subsequent analysis to be conducted.

Short Range Guided Wave Technique to Inspect Riveted Joints for Crevice Corrosion

Figure 3. Drawing of potential location for crevice corrosion on a riveted lap-joint.

Figure 4. Mock-up drawing and actual examination data from SR-GWT test.

Some penstocks with riveted joints may suffer from crevice corrosion due to the construction geometry of the riveted lap joints.  The lap-joint area is generally covered in concrete and buried so the external surface is not easily accessible. The concrete can disbond over time and water collects and runs along the crevice of the plate and butt strap, causing corrosion. The area of crevice corrosion may not be assessed from the internal surface with traditional ultrasonic methods due to the obstruction from the internal butt strap, therefore SI has developed a short range guided wave testing (SR-GWT) technique to inspect for this crevice corrosion. Figure 3 shows an image to help visualize the issue.  For this technique electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMAT) are utilized to propagate sound waves along the volume of the penstock plate to detect a change in the cross-sectional area.  Figure 4 shows an example of inspection data that was collected on a calibration plate to prove this technique.

Lap-Welded Longitudinal Seam Inspection

Our staff can complete lap-welded seam identification and inspections. Lap-welded or forge-weld longitudinal seam pipes and penstocks were manufactured in the 1920s (Figure 5). Oftentimes, little to no fabrication documentation exists that will tell a hydroelectric utility if their penstock cans were made with lap-welded seams. SI developed a phased array ultrasonic examination technique to identify areas of lap-welded seams and look for lack of fusion and service damage.

SI developed two different PAUT techniques to identify and examine lap-welded penstocks. A refracted shear wave technique is preferred for ID-connected indications, while a longitudinal wave technique produces sound that is more perpendicular to the weld bond line of the lap-welded joint.  Figure 6 shows PAUT scan data along with an explanation of typical features from three different lap-welded seam examinations.

ID/OD Girth Weld Inspection

Figure 5. Illustrated cross-section of a lap weld.

Phased array ultrasonic examination of girth welds is also a common inspection for hydro penstocks. SI’s vast experience inspecting high energy piping systems and pressure vessels translate perfectly to penstock girth weld applications. SI uses ultrasonic software simulation programs to create scan plans that calculate the necessary beam angles and focusing to ensure 100% weld coverage during a PAUT examination. Encoding PAUT data with an automated, semi-automated, or manual encoding device allows for off-line analysis and a permanent record of inspection data. SI also has the ability to create custom scanners, probes, and wedges, when required for difficult inspection applications.  The advanced NDE equipment and experience of SI is unmatched. 

Figure 6. PAUT scans at 0° incidence (image is analogous to a cross-section of the weld) from hammer-welded pipe showing seam indications (labelled “1”) increased wall thickness at the seam (labelled “2”), and relatively clean areas adjacent to the seam (labelled “3”). The top image and center images show indications from the bond line (likely indicating lack-of-fusion), while the bottom image shows no indications from the bond line. Note that the base material on the left and right ends of the image shows dense areas of small indications, likely attributable to numerous impurities and inclusions in low-quality skelp from which this pipe was manufactured.

SI Can Help

The situations discussed previously demonstrate solutions that SI has developed for hydroelectric penstocks. With our extensive expertise, SI can work with our clients to develop and execute inspection solutions that are customized to their specific needs and provide various engineering analyses based on the examination results.


Get News & Views, Volume 54

News & Views, Volume 54

The next issue of Structural Integrity’s bi-annual technical magazine, News and Views, is now available. In this issue, experts from our Nuclear, Energy Services, Nondestructive Examination (NDE), Pipeline Integrity Compliance Solutions, and Metallurgical Laboratory groups share project case studies and details on technical advancements across a range of industries and disciplines.

Get News & Views, Volume 54

Materials Laboratory Failure Analysis

Failure can be defined as any change in a component that prevents satisfactory performance of its intended function. Understanding why a component failed is important for several reasons. First, a determination of the failure mode is an essential component of any root cause analysis. Second, understanding a component failure provides essential information for preventing additional or similar failures. Perhaps most importantly, an erroneous or incomplete analysis can be worse than no analysis at all, since this can prompt inappropriate responses that do not address the basic cause of failure or increase the potential for additional failures.

The degrees to which a failure analysis can be applied range from simply determining the failure mode to performing a full root cause analysis of the failure event. For each situation that occurs, the approach required should be evaluated to determine the level of metallurgical evaluation or engineering effort that should be expended. Identifying the mode of a failure can range from relying on a thorough visual examination by a competent failure analyst  to a full laboratory analysis consisting of some or all of the following tasks:


  • Visual Examination and Photo-Documentation
    • A preliminary diagnosis of the mechanism can often be made based on visual examination of the macroscopic damage features; this will determine the number and location of specimens to be removed for destructive analysis.
    • Photo-documentation will record distinctive features of the damage prior to sample cutting and can preserve information on locations of specimens removed for destructive analysis.
  • Cracking identified by WFMT A ring section showing external wallloss as well as swelling Microhardness traverse through fractured weld

    Non-Destructive Examination (NDE), Where Appropriate Before the component is sectioned, it might be examined by various non-destructive techniques (e.g., dye penetrant inspection or phased array ultrasonics) to help identify areas for sectioning or assess the effectiveness of an NDE technique to locate similar damage in other components.

  • Chemical Composition Analysis A chemical analysis is performed to determine if the component material is within specification, and if any particular additional elements (unspecified or trace) are present that could adversely affect material performance.
  • Dimensional Measurements Dimensional measurements include the major dimensions such as outer and inner diameters and component thickness. They can be used to identify the location and magnitude of material wastage or wall loss. For tubular components, dimensional measurements can also be used to identify the degree of service-induced swelling, which is a measure of accumulated creep damage.
  • Hardness Evaluation and/or Mechanical Properties Testing Hardness tests can easily be performed on metallurgical sections and provide an indication of the metallurgical condition of the material. Hardness values can also be used to estimate tensile strength. Other mechanical property testing, including elevated temperature properties (creep strength) and fracture toughness, can be performed as part of more detailed investigations.
  • Metallography Metallographic evaluation allows for assessment of component microstructure and microstructural degradation (spheroidization, graphitization or transformation). It also provides information on damage type, extent, and morphology (cracking/fracture path, rupture features, corrosion, pitting, and cavitation). The appearance and thickness of oxides/scales/deposits can also be assessed.
  • Fractography If the  sample includes a fracture surface, this surface can be examined to evaluate the fracture characteristics. The morphology of the fracture surface provides insight into the mode of failure (transgranular/intergranular, ductile/brittle, etc.) and may also indicate the presence of precipitates, cavities or foreign species that may have caused or contributed to the failure. Fracture surfaces are commonly examined with a stereomicroscope, digital Keyence microscope, or with a scanning electron microscope, which provides both depth of field as well as high magnification views of the damage.
  • Characterization of Oxide/Deposit (EDS/XRD) Often surface oxides, deposits, or corrosion products play a significant role in the damage mechanism either by directly causing wall loss or attack of the metal, or by acting as a secondary contributor to a failure (e.g. internal oxide scale “insulating” a steam touched tube and causing an increase in the tube metal temperature). Characterization of these oxides or deposits includes identifying the elements or compounds present, mapping the elemental constituents to show how they are dispersed throughout the layers, and examining the morphology at low and high magnifications.

Elemental maps of an oxide from a supercritical boiler waterwall tube showing an inner chromium rich spinel layer and an outer iron oxide layer.

  • Characterization of Crack Deposits and Corrosion Products/Deposits Elemental analysis of crack deposits or corrosion products can help identify the damage mechanism.  In the case where contaminants cause or contribute to failure, identification of such contaminants can bolster findings and support recommendations for avoiding future failures.

    Chloride stress corrosion cracking in an austenitic stainless steel and EDS analysis results from crack deposits showing a very high chlorine peak

For any situation involving material property characterization, Structural Integrity has an experienced group of materials specialists and a full-service metallurgical testing laboratory that can help.

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SI Solutions Expands Structural Engineering Expertise and Adds Controls Engineering Division with the Acquisition of SC Solutions, Inc.

CHARLOTTE, NC – SI Solutions is pleased to announce the purchase of SC Solutions, Inc., a respected provider of innovative engineering solutions for the advanced process controls and structural engineering industries. Founded in 1987, SC Solutions has served its clients in Silicon Valley and beyond, expanding to Sacramento, CA, Portland, OR, and Atlanta, GA.

SI Solutions, a privately held company, is a leading provider of mission-critical engineering, construction, testing, and maintenance services to the energy, process, and infrastructure markets. SI Solutions has over 500 employees and ten offices serving customers across the U.S. and internationally. SI’s capabilities span multiple technical disciplines, with a focus on specialized engineering, instrumentation, electrical design and construction, and advanced nondestructive examination.

SC Solutions, Inc. (SC), based in Sunnyvale, CA, specializes in structural engineering and advanced process controls. SC’s structural division has over 35 years of experience with numerical analysis of complex infrastructure assets, including those subjected to extreme loads and events such as earthquakes, dynamic impact, thermal shock, construction transients, and soil-structure-fluid interaction effects. SC’s controls engineering team has extensive experience in control design, modeling of physical systems, real-time software, signal processing, optimization, system identification, and fault diagnostics for the semiconductor, advanced materials manufacturing, energy, infrastructure, and defense industries.

Mark W. Marano, President and CEO of SI Solutions, stated: “Adding SC Solutions to our existing platform will bolster our Critical Infrastructure division, enhancing our ability to serve clients’ needs through new technical capabilities and expanded engineering offerings. SC Solutions’ highly respected process controls division will add a new market segment and a third reputable brand under the SI Solutions umbrella, diversifying our service offerings worldwide.”

Greg Loy, Chairman and co-founder of SC Solutions noted, “I’m proud of our team for the business we’ve built over the years; this is the next step in the company’s evolution. The additional investment from new ownership will allow us to further develop the products and services our clients have come to rely upon.”

Chris Martin, Managing Director of Jumana Capital and Chairman of SI Solutions, remarked, “The addition of SC Solutions to our family of brands grows the strength and capabilities of SI Solutions to meet the growing need for asset management, regulatory compliance, maintenance and upgrades within nuclear power, power services, process industries, pipeline integrity, critical structures, and controls engineering sectors in the United States and abroad. We are excited about the future for SI Solutions as we continue to build toward an extraordinary future.”
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News and Views, Volume 54 | Materials Lab Featured Damage Mechanism


By:  Wendy Weiss

Structural Integrity’s Metallurgical Laboratory offers comprehensive metallurgical laboratory services to support client material issues.

Strain-Induced Precipitation Hardening, also known as SIPH, is a commonly misinterpreted boiler tube failure mechanism that occurs when austenitic stainless steel tubing is cold or warm worked during fabrication and then is installed with either improper or no solution annealing heat treatment. While the basic mechanism and the root cause are understood, the complex interaction between heat chemistry, quantity of cold or warm work, and subsequent thermal history makes it very difficult to predict under precisely what circumstances damage due to SIPH will result in failure of a boiler tube.

Longitudinally oriented crack at the extrados of a bend in a stainless steel superheater tube.

SIPH occurs when a heat of austenitic stainless steel containing certain precipitate-forming elements (e.g., niobium, titanium, vanadium, etc.) either intentionally or as residuals is cold or warm worked during subsequent material processing. The cold or warm working creates excess defects in the sub-structure of the material, which serve as preferred sites for precipitation of temper-resistant carbides or carbo-nitrides. Precipitation occurs when the material is heated to a sufficiently high temperature that is well below the solution annealing temperature. This can occur rapidly during a poorly executed heat treatment if the material does not reach the proper solution annealing temperature, or it can occur more slowly at typical operating temperatures for superheater or reheater tubing in utility-type boilers.

Once formed, precipitates anchor to the defects, resulting in a substantial increase in the elevated temperature or creep strength of the interior of the grains. At the same time, there is a narrow zone of material immediately adjoining the grain boundaries that remains largely precipitate-free due to the diffusional characteristics of the grain boundary itself. Ultimately, the interior portion of the individual grains becomes very strong at elevated temperatures while the material immediately adjoining the grain boundaries becomes comparatively creep weak. In addition, any surface-active elements that may be present in the material, such as arsenic, tin, antimony, etc., will tend to concentrate at the grain boundaries, further reducing their strength.

Regardless of when the precipitation occurs, once the interior of the grains has been strengthened, the grain boundary regions are weakened. Any strain imposed on the material in response to an applied or residual stress is forced to concentrate in the grain boundary region, which substantially magnifies its effect. For example, suppose the bulk strain experienced by a cold-worked stainless superheater tube segment is very small – a fraction of a percent – and the material has undergone the SIPH reaction. The strengthened grain interiors will undergo no strain. Conversely, within the much smaller volume of the comparatively weak grain boundaries, the accumulated strain will be orders of magnitude higher than the bulk level.

Typical Locations

  • Bends
  • Offsets
  • Swages
  • Welded attachments


  • Can initiate at midwall
  • Early-stage damage consists largely of grain boundary cavities and microfissures
  • Intergranular cracking

Root Causes
The single root cause of SIPH is the failure to properly solution anneal susceptible heats of austenitic stainless steel tubing that has been either cold or warm worked during fabrication.

An overall, cross-sectional view of the intergranular crack (image A) with higher magnification views of some of the secondary grain boundary microfissures and voids (image C). Slip bands (parallel lines in image B) indicate local deformation.

For any situation involving material property characterization, Structural Integrity has an experienced group of materials specialists and a full-service metallurgical testing laboratory that can help.

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News & Views, Volume 53 | Serviceability Assessment of an L-Grade Stainless Steel Pipe Fitting

By: Terry Totemeier

A client recently ordered a Type 316 stainless steel pipe coupling fitting for use in a high-pressure, high-temperature steam line operating at 1005°F.  The fitting that was received was so-called dual grade Type 316/316L stainless steel.  Given the limitations on using “L” grades of stainless steel at high temperatures, the client requested that SI perform a serviceability assessment for the fitting to determine if it could be safely used until the next scheduled outage when a replacement non-L grade fitting would be available.

The fitting ordered was a ½” nominal diameter (NPS ½), 6000# (Class 6000) full coupling socket-welding fitting in accordance with the ASME B16.11 specification, material ASME SA-182 forging, Type 316 stainless steel (designated as F316 in SA-182).  The fitting supplied was dual grade F316/316L material with a carbon content of 0.023% per the material test certificate.  The designation of this material as “dual grade” means that it meets the requirements of both F316 and F316L material grades.  This is possible because the chemical composition requirements of these two grades overlap, with the primary difference between them being carbon content.  For F316 the carbon content is specified to be 0.08% maximum (no minimum), while for F316L the carbon content is specified to be 0.030% maximum.  Therefore, material with carbon content less than 0.030% will meet the requirements for both grades.  It is worth noting that the carbon content of “H” grade of 316 stainless steel (F316H per SA-182) is specified to be 0.04-0.10%.  The H grade is intended for use at high temperatures.

The received fitting was installed in a main steam valve pressure equalizing line with a steam temperature/pressure of 2750 psia/1015°F at design conditions and 2520 psia/1005°F at operating conditions.  The fitting was welded to Grade P11 pipe on one side and Grade P22 pipe on the other side.  The applicable code was stated to be ASME BPVC Section I.

With a reported carbon content of less than 0.04%, the fitting is technically not permitted for use in ASME Section I construction above a temperature of 1000°F.  Per the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section II, Part D, Table 1A, the allowable stresses for SA-182, F316 material are valid at or above 1000°F only when the carbon content is greater than 0.04% (Note G12).  Per the same table, SA-182, F316L material is only permitted for use in Section I construction up to 850°F.  The reason for this temperature limitation is that the long-term creep-rupture strength of Type 316 stainless steel with lower carbon content is reduced compared to material with higher carbon content because fewer carbides form during service to strengthen the grain boundaries.  There are no other adverse impacts of the lower carbon content, e.g., on fatigue strength or oxidation resistance.

The short-term serviceability of the fitting with low carbon content was assessed by comparing bounding pressure stresses in the fitting with the reported creep-rupture strength for Type 316L material.  Per the ASME B16.11 specification, Class 6000 socket-welding fittings are compatible with NPS Schedule 160 pipe, meaning that pressure stresses in the fitting will be less than those in Sch 160 pipe with minimum wall thickness according to ASME B36.10 (pipe dimension specification), in other words, the fitting will be at least as strong as the pipe.  

The dimensions of NPS ½, Schedule 160 pipe per the ASME B36.10 pipe specification are 0.84” outer diameter (OD), 0.165” minimum wall thickness (MWT).  For an operating steam pressure of 2,520 psi, the reference hoop stress per the equation in ASME BPVC Section I, Appendix A-317 is 5.05 ksi.  Per the general design guidance in ASME B16.11 (Section 2.1.1) the pressure stresses in the fitting must be less than this.  

Figure 1. Schematic diagram for a socket-welding coupling fitting. Per ASME B16.11, an NPS ½, Class 6000 fitting has relevant dimensions B = 0.875” maximum, C = 0.204” minimum, and D = 0.434” minimum.

Since the fitting in question is cylindrical, comparative hoop stresses can also be calculated from dimensions given in ASME B16.11, although these may not be exact due to the varied wall thickness in the fitting.  According to Table I-1 of ASME B16.11, the central body of the fitting is 1.283” OD and 0.395” MWT (Figure 1).  The reference hoop stress calculated using the A-317 equation at 2,520 psi stream pressure and these dimensions is 2.63 ksi, considerably less than 5.05 ksi.  In the female socket ends of the fitting, the OD is also 1.283”, but the minimum wall thickness is 0.204”, leading to a calculated reference hoop pressure stress of 6.58 ksi.  Note that the actual stresses in the socket ends will be much less than this because the pipe will be inserted and welded into the socket, taking up the pressure loading, but the calculated stress can be taken as a bounding value.

Creep-rupture strengths for Type 316L stainless steel have been reported in ASTM Data Series DS 5S2 publication, “An Evaluation of the Yield, Tensile, Creep, and Rupture Strengths of Wrought 304, 316, 321, and 347 Stainless Steels at Elevated Temperatures” (ASTM, 1969).  According to Table 7 in this report, the average 10,000 hour creep-rupture strengths for Type 316L at 1000°F and 1050°F are 34.5 and 25 ksi, respectively.  Minimum creep-rupture strengths are typically taken as 80% of the average strength, so the inferred minimum strengths at 1000°F and 1050°F are 27.6 and 20 ksi, respectively.  

The reported 10,000 hour creep-rupture strengths in the temperature range of interest are more than twice the calculated bounding pressure stresses in the fitting, so it was judged that there is very little risk of failure of the fitting by creep-rupture in the next 10,000 hours of service.

This result is unsurprising since the 1005°F is barely into the creep range for Type 316 regardless of carbon content.  The carbon content effects become more pronounced at higher temperatures (approximately 1100°F and above).

Based on the above assessment, it was SI’s opinion that the Type 316L fitting with carbon content less than 0.03% was suitable for a limited period of service (less than 10,000 hours) until it can be replaced.  Given that the fitting is reportedly welded to low-alloy steel pipe on either side, SI also recommended that a Grade 22 (2.25Cr-1Mo) low-alloy steel fitting be considered as a replacement, which would eliminate dissimilar metal welds (DMWs) between the fitting and pipes.  DMWs are prone to premature failure due to thermal fatigue, weld fusion line cracking, and decarburization of the ferritic material. This voluntary recommendation made by SI, was not part of the original scope of work, but may have been just as critical a finding as it shed light upon a failure risk previously unknown by the client. 

Get News & Views, Volume 53

SIA Receives SOC 2, Type II Certifications for our AIMS Software Platform.

At Structural Integrity Associates (SIA), we take cybersecurity very seriously for ourselves and our clients, who expect us to protect the sensitive information shared with us with the same rigor as their internal policies.

Recognizing this dedication, we are excited to announce that SI received the Service Organization Control (SOC) 2, Type II certification for our Asset Information Management System (AIMS) platform.  In short, this means that all products built on AIMS (see sidebar) fully comply with the latest cybersecurity standards.

SOC 2 is an auditing framework created by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). It reviews an organization’s processes and procedures regarding client security, confidentiality, privacy, availability, and processing integrity. The comprehensive review includes extensive auditing over a prolonged period. To be certified, there must be detailed planning, constant monitoring, and continual improvements to uphold the challenging requirements of the AICPA. The SOC 2, Type II certification is a significant milestone that demonstrates to our clients that we operate in a secure environment.

AIMS is an industry-agnostic asset management platform used to build applications that store, visualize, and analyze information for industrial assets. It is a low-code application platform that can be configured to manage any industrial asset. Its flexible structure, easy integration with time series data, and advanced analytics make it ideal for managing critical assets and building Digital Twins for industrial resources.

“The AIMS Digital Solutions platform is integral to Structural Integrity’s mission to be the most trusted provider of best-in-value, innovative, fully integrated asset lifecycle solutions. Digital products paired with our expertise in Engineering, Inspections, and Analytics help us provide holistic asset management solutions to our clients. Receipt of the SOC 2, Type II certification assures users of the integrity of the software of the AIMS applications.”

Anup Aggarwal – Director of Digital Transformation

Structural Integrity is proud to continue supporting our clients by providing these applications for critical asset management and ensuring their cyber security.

Learn more about our AIMS platform

AIMS Platform

  • PlantTrack™
  • MapPro™
  • SIIQ™ (Online Monitoring)
  • SI Pipe Evaluation (SIPE)
  • Material Verification Intelligence (MVI)
  • Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP)
  • Assessment Planning
  • TRU Compliance
  • ICON