News & View, Volume 48 | SI-FatiguePro Version 4.0 Crack Growth Module Application Case Study; Complex Multi-Cycle Nuclear Transients

News & Views, Volume 48 | SI:FatiguePro Version 4.0 Crack Growth Module – Application Case Study Complex Multi-Cycle Nuclear Transients

News & View, Volume 48 | SI-FatiguePro Version 4.0 Crack Growth Module Application Case Study; Complex Multi-Cycle Nuclear Transients

By: Curt Carney

As plants enter their initial or subsequent license renewal period one of the requirements is to show that fatigue (including environmental effects) is adequately managed.  For some locations in pressurized water reactors (PWRs), it can be difficult to demonstrate an environmental fatigue usage factor less than the code allowable value of 1.0.  Therefore, plants are increasingly turning to flaw tolerance evaluations using the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI, Appendix L.  Appendix L analytically determines an inspection interval based on the time it takes for a postulated flaw (axial or circumferential) to grow to the allowable flaw size.  For surge line locations, this evaluation can be very complex, as the crack growth assessment must consider many loadings, such as: insurge/outsurge effects, thermal stratification in the horizontal section of the line, thermal expansion of the piping (including anchor movements), and internal pressure.  Trying to envelope all of these loads using traditional tools can lead to excess conservatism in the evaluation, and short inspection intervals that reduce the value of an Appendix L evaluation.

News & View, Volume 43 | Managing Fatigue-Challenged Components in SLR

News & Views, Volume 43 | Managing Fatigue-Challenged Components in SLR

By:  Jennifer Correa

News & View, Volume 43 | Managing Fatigue-Challenged Components in SLRSubsequent License Renewal (SLR) will require a shift in the approach for managing plant components for thermal fatigue.  The components are older and will have experienced more fatigue damage.  As time goes on, more components will become fatigue-challenged, meaning that they will require more management to demonstrate serviceability.

There are several approaches that can be taken to manage fatigue-challenged components in SLR.

Refining the design fatigue analyses is one approach that has been widely used in License Renewal (LR), and will remain useful in SLR.  Components that were previously managed through cycle counting alone may still be managed through cycle counting if a refined analysis results in fatigue and environmentally-assisted fatigue (EAF) cumulative fatigue usage values below 1.0.

Another useful approach is to revisit assumptions made about plant operation earlier in life.  Conservative assumptions were made about early plant operation for many components.  This was often done for expediency and may have been sufficient for LR, but as the components age, those assumptions may prove too conservative.  Revisiting these assumptions can help lower the overall fatigue usage for components.