News & View, Volume 46 | Acoustic and Blowdown Load Calculations for Reactor Internals

News & Views, Volume 46 | Acoustic and Blowdown Load Calculations for Reactor Internals

By: Matthew Walter

News & View, Volume 46 | Acoustic and Blowdown Load Calculations for Reactor InternalsAs part of the general design criteria for nuclear power plants, the primary structures and systems of the plant must be designed to handle postulated accident events, including the dynamic effects of postulated pipe ruptures. For a Boiling Water Reactor, analyzed events include various accident conditions in the recirculation piping, including a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA). One postulated LOCA event is assumed to be an instantaneous double-ended guillotine break of the recirculation line. This event causes several loads to be imparted on the reactor vessel, attached piping, and reactor internal components. [Some loads such as jet impingement, annulus pressurization, and pipe whip impart loads on the outside of the reactor vessel and the attached piping.][ Other loads, including flow-induced drag and acoustic loads, transmit loads inside the vessel on critical components such as jet pumps, core shroud, and the shroud support structure.] Figure 1 shows the pipe and resulting loads.


News & View, Volume 45 | Interval Relief from RPV Threads in Flange Examination Requirements

News & Views, Volume 45 | Interval Relief from RPV Threads in Flange Examination Requirements

By:  Scott Chesworth

News & View, Volume 45 | Interval Relief from RPV Threads in Flange Examination RequirementsASME Code Section XI requires that the RPV Threads in Flange component (Category B-G-1, Item Number B6.40, see Figure 1) be inspected each inspection Interval using volumetric examination.  However, there is general agreement that the inspection does not contribute to the overall safety of the RPV.  Industry experience indicates that these examinations have not been identifying service-induced degradation and that they have negative impacts on worker exposure, personnel safety, and outage critical path time.  Savings from the elimination of this inspection can be applied to other more meaningful inspections of other more risk-significant plant components.

EPRI Report 3002007626 (March 2016) provides the basis for eliminating the RPV Threads in Flange examination requirement.  This report includes the results of an industry survey in which 168 units provided the status of their RPV Threads in Flange examination, as well as insight into the impacts of conducting these examinations.


News & View, Volume 44 | Weld Overlay Repair Mitigates Thermal Fatigue Flaw Growth

News & Views, Volume 44 | Weld Overlay Repair Mitigates Thermal Fatigue Flaw Growth

By:  David Segletes

A circumferential flaw in a 14-inch diameter News & View, Volume 44 | Weld Overlay Repair Mitigates Thermal Fatigue Flaw Growth suction pipe-to-elbow stainless steel weld was identified in both units of a nuclear power plant as depicted in Figure 1.  The two units are Westinghouse designed four-loop pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants and are mirror images of each other.  The pipe-to-elbow weld is the first junction remote from the hot leg piping.  The circumferential flaw at this location was first discovered on Unit 2 during the spring of 2016 and subsequently on Unit 1 in the spring of 2017.  The flaws are located at comparable circumferential positions, given the two pipes are mirror images of each other and at the same distance from the RHR nozzle.  Structural Integrity (SI) performed the flaw evaluation for each unit at the time of discovery.  The flaws are ID connected and located at the weld heat affected zone (HAZ) on the pipe side.  Although stress corrosion cracking has not be observed in the HAZ of austenitic stainless steel in PWR systems, the flaws were evaluated for both fatigue crack growth and stress corrosion crack growth.  The flaw evaluations indicated there was life remaining for a short period of operation, with the appropriate safety margin, but not sufficient to allow the client to operate the plant until the end of the operating license for the given unit.  Subsequently, a repair plan was developed to allow the units to operate to the end of the operating license.


News & View, Volume 44 | Data Driven Solutions for the Most Difficult Problems

News & Views, Volume 44 | Data Driven Solutions for the Most Difficult Problems

By:  Andrew Crompton and Mark Jaeger

News & View, Volume 44 | Data Driven Solutions for the Most Difficult ProblemsIn recent years, SI has observed an increasing trend in the use of specialty instrumentation to solve “impossible” problems or answer “indecipherable” questions.  This shift was particularly apparent within commercial nuclear, where data-driven solutions have long been perceived as challenging due to short outage windows, personnel dose concerns, and a significant paperwork burden, among other factors.  Widespread adoption of instrumentation-based solutions creates new paths to tackling difficult/persistent problems, and shifts the industry focus for critical assets from reactionary to more of a predictive approach.  In 2017, SI assisted numerous clients with deployment of specialty instrumentation in this fashion, comprising two general scenarios: 1) new designs/modifications, and 2) repeat failures.  Each application requires different sensors and varying analytical methods, but the approach used to leverage the resultant data to solve the problem is generically applicable throughout the energy sector.  The text below details important considerations for both scenarios and highlights a successful application of the underlying process for management of thermal fatigue in reactor coolant system branch piping.


News & View, Volume 44 | Planned and Emergent Outage Support Structural Integrity is on Your Team

News & Views, Volume 44 | Planned and Emergent Outage Support – Structural Integrity is on Your Team

By:  Terry Herrmann

News & View, Volume 44 | Planned and Emergent Outage Support Structural Integrity is on Your TeamWhile the 2018 Spring outage season is mostly behind us, we all know a key element in being able to provide safe, reliable, clean and economic power to energy consumers is how successfully plant outages are accomplished.   I know from personal experience how good planning, including contingency planning, has significantly reduced outage durations (see Figure 1).  I worked my first outage in 1981.  It ran 110 days and was punctuated by rework, surprise discoveries and last-minute procurement of materials and services.  By the late 1990s the industry had established outage milestones for design changes, significantly improved the level of detail in schedules, performed more work with the plant on line and implemented focused outage control organizations.  Except for major activities like condenser retubing, power uprates and emergent issues that impact the scheduled critical path, outage durations today are almost exclusively associated with refueling activities.


News & View, Volume 44 | Integrated Flow Distributors (IFD) for Bottom Tubesheet Filter:Demineralizers Initial Installation & Performance at Browns Ferry Nuclear Station

News & Views, Volume 44 | Integrated Flow Distributors (IFD)

By:  Ed Dougherty and Al Jarvis

for Bottom Tubesheet Filter/Demineralizers Initial Installation and Performance at Browns Ferry Nuclear StatioNews & View, Volume 44 | Integrated Flow Distributors (IFD) for Bottom Tubesheet Filter:Demineralizers Initial Installation & Performance at Browns Ferry Nuclear StationThe Browns Ferry Nuclear Station (BFNS) intends to implement an extended power uprate (EPU) at all three units beginning in 2018 for Unit 3 and Unit 1, and in 2019 for Unit 2. EPU implementation will increase the total thermal power of each unit by 494 MWth resulting in a total uprate of 20% from the originally licensed thermal power of 3293 MWth.

Each BFNS unit is currently designed with ten bottom tubesheet condensate filter/demineralizers (CF/Ds) in the condensate treatment system that require an application of a powdered resin precoat to perform the function of demineralization. The precoat material is applied as an overlay on top of vertical filter septa. The filter septa have an inner pleated area, and with a precoat overlay, perform the function of demineralization as well as particulate iron removal. In the absence of circulating water leakage into the condenser, the primary function of the CF/Ds is to remove particulate iron that collects in the condenser hotwell. The iron source is from the corrosion of carbon steel piping and components in contact with main steam and heater drain systems.


News & View, Volume 44 | Radiation Source Term Assessments

News & Views, Volume 44 | Radiation Source Term Assessments

By:  Jen Jarvis and Al Jarvis

News & View, Volume 44 | Radiation Source Term AssessmentsNuclear plant workers accrue most of their radiation exposure during refueling outages, when many plant systems are opened for corrective and preventive maintenance. The total refueling outage radiation exposure can be 100-200 person-Rem at a typical Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), and 30-100 person-Rem at a typical Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR). Accrued refueling outage radiation exposure values can be significantly greater than these values depending upon radiation fields, outage work scope, and emergent work. Outage radiation exposure is one metric used by a plant to determine outage success and by industry regulators in assessing the overall performance of a plant. Plants with high personnel radiation exposure tend to be those plants with more equipment problems and more unscheduled shutdowns; consequently, they may be subjected to increased regulatory oversight.

Radiation source term assessments are performed to understand the causes of high collective radiation exposure and to help plants evaluate their strategies for source term reduction. This involves understanding how a plant’s material choices and chemistry and operational history influence the radiation fields that develop in the plant systems. Consequently, a source term evaluation is very plant-specific, but can help a plant identify which strategies may be most effective for their specific situation. 


News & View, Volume 43 | Delivering the Nuclear Promise- 10 CFR 50.69 Alternative Treatments for Low Safety-Significant Components

News & Views, Volume 43 | Delivering the Nuclear Promise: 10 CFR 50.69 Alternative Treatments for Low Safety-Significant Components

By:  Terry Herrmann

News & View, Volume 43 | Delivering the Nuclear Promise- 10 CFR 50.69 Alternative Treatments for Low Safety-Significant ComponentsAs all of us who work with nuclear energy know the US nuclear industry is engaged in a multi-year effort to generate power more efficiently, economically and safely. A key goal includes a significant reduction in operating expenses. This initiative is termed “Delivering the Nuclear Promise” (DNP) and is supported by nuclear utilities, vendors such as Structural Integrity, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).

10CFR50.69’ Risk Informed Engineering Programs (RIEP) is a regulation that enhances safety and provides the potential for large cost savings. This regulation allows plant owners to place systems, structures and components (SSCs) into one of the four risk-informed safety class (RISC) categories as indicated in the graphic to the right.

Industry experience to date suggests that 75 percent of safety-related SSCs can be categorized as RISC-3, low safety-significant (LSS), based on low risk. This is important because (a) it provides a focus on safety significance and (b) RISC-3 SSCs are exempted from “special treatment” requirements imposed by 10CFR50 Appendix B and other regulatory requirements (shown in the boxes at the bottom of page).