News and Views, Volume 54 | Leaks in High Energy Piping Tees

By Kane Riggenbach and Eric Jones


Figure 1. Representative HEP Tee Geometry

The power generation industry has seen an increasing trend of failures and damage detected in high energy piping tee fittings and the associated girth welds in systems made from grade 91 material (and grades 22 and 92). Failures and evidence of significant creep damage have been detected in less than 100,000 operating hours in many cases and as few as 35,000 operating hours. The issues stem from inadequate reinforcement of the branch leg and/or short tee leg lengths, which can result in tee geometries not suitable for high temperature service even though the tee fittings meet design requirements. If inspections reveal that damage has progressed beyond the point where continued operation can be justified through analytical methods with appropriate confidence and risk tolerance, owners may be faced with a choice of expensive temporary repair or long wait for a replacement. The lead time to procure replacements can be twelve months or greater and additional rigorous engineering assessments to determine size specifications may be required because current code requirements are inadequate in some cases.

Issue Overview
Many fabricated tees have failed to withstand short-term exposure to normal operating pressures and temperatures. Analytical assessments have determined that these premature failures can be attributed to a lack of sufficient reinforcement, despite the components in question meeting code design requirements. Additionally, large variations in thickness and diameter and differences in crotch profiles can exist even among similarly sized tee fittings, resulting in uncertainty when trying to extrapolate findings between tees in a system, plant, or fleet. These challenges make it difficult for plant owners to prioritize specific tees for inspection. Experience has shown that there can be significant differences in tee thickness/geometry even among tees produced by the same manufacturer or from one tee crotch to the other. As such, baseline inspections are recommended on all tees operating in the creep regime to comprehensively document their serviceability risk and develop an informed lifecycle management plan.

The applied inspection approach is also adjusted to ensure accurate and reliable detection of damage.

Traditionally, welds have been the most susceptible locations to creep damage in high energy piping systems, so most inspections were solely focused there. For fabricated tee fittings, creep damage has also been detected in the fitting base metal within the crotch region. Localization of creep damage at the crotch region has been validated through finite element analysis based on actual tee geometry. Thus, inspections that were solely focused on girth welds may fail to identify or characterize damage in the tee crotches, providing an incomplete picture of overall condition even for recent inspections.

Damage Initiation
The primary driver of damage in tee geometry is from accumulated creep damage resulting from internal pressure stress. The hole in the pipe for the branch leg of the tee leads to elevated stresses that tend to drive axially oriented cracking in the tee crotch. Also, if the attached piping girth welds are close enough to this elevated stress region, these girth welds are at risk for faster rates of creep damage. As opposed to the axially oriented cracking in the tee base material, girth welds tend to initiate circumferentially oriented cracking due to the orientation of the creep weak weld heat-affected zone (HAZ).

Stresses from piping deadweight and thermal expansion may play a role in biasing damage towards a certain location. However, finite element analyses, ultrasonic inspections of in-service tees, and metallurgical evaluations of cross-sections from ex-service tees have all validated that the distribution of creep damage is consistent with the stress distribution from internal pressure stresses. Figure 2 shows two example ultrasonic phased array scans (left) depicting subsurface indications that are consistent with the creep redistributed FEA stress distribution (right).

Figure 2. Examples of Phased Array Ultrasonic Scans with Indications and Finite Element Color Contour Stress Distribution.

Inspection Considerations
SI has performed numerous inspections of tee fittings and associated girth welds. From those efforts, a series of lessons learned and recommended best practices have been developed:

  • For girth welds, damage can be OD or ID initiated depending on the local geometry and stress state of the component. Damage tends to initiate at the circumferential positions closest to the tee crotches so extra priority should be given toward assessing these areas. The tee side of the weld may include an OD bevel that obstructs UT probe placement on the tee side, but attempts should still be made to scan from both upstream and downstream sides of the weld.
  • For crotch regions, identified damage tends to be ID or subsurface initiated. Additional surface preparation is required in the crotch to permit ultrasonic scanning. Specialized inspection hardware may be necessary to accurately identify and characterize damage because the complex curvature of the OD crotch surface can limit probe contact area (probe bridging) and the thickness of the tee may make it difficult to observe the ID surface. Specially radiused probes or refracted longitudinal probes may be necessary to enable more accurate scanning of the crotch.
  • Extensive thickness mapping is recommended to fully document the as-built geometry of the tee and identify whether any ID stress concentrations may be present from manufacturing of the tee. An example tee grid is depicted in Figure 3.
  • Laser scanning or photogrammetry should be performed to provide the basis for a representative external surface for detailed model creation and finite element analysis on all inspected tees as well as to ensure that the exact location of recorded thicknesses is documented. This scan or set of photographs also provides the basis for a representative external surface for detailed model creation and finite element analysis.   
  • There are multiple documented cases where tees progressed from “No Indications of Service Damage Detected” to macrocracking in far less time than a normally reasonable reinspection interval for girth welds. For this reason, as well as the likelihood that many inspections have been performed without evaluating the tee crotch areas, previously established reinspection intervals may be unreliable, and it is critical for operators with these components to perform an analytical assessment and adjust inspection plans accordingly.

Figure 3. Example of general grid for thickness documentation. Additional thickness mapping should be performed at the crotch regions as well.

Industry Response / EPRI Supplemental Project
The operational challenges associated with premature degradation of high energy piping tees have led to significant industry interest in understanding the factors which combine to result in accelerated damage. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has initiated a supplemental project focused on studying this issue for tees operating in the creep regime. The project members are comprised of numerous utilities along with service providers (including SI), with a goal of summarizing operating experience and establishing reputable guidance for operators.

One of the early observations from the project is that the quality and consistency of inspection data is critical to problem characterization. There have been multiple instances where lack of pre-planning, inadequate surface preparation, and/or failure to compile adequate data and records have challenged the integrity of inspections. To help improve characterization and increase the accuracy of predictive models, SI is working to standardize NDE inspection techniques utilizing a number of components removed from service.

Recommendations for Utilities/Operators
Based on SI’s experience with tees operating in the creep regime, it is recommended that operators consider the following guidance:

  1. Perform inspection to document the actual fabricated tee geometry, assess material composition, and determine current condition of the tee and associated girth welds. Ensure that the inspection provider can deliver complete and accurate results in a fashion that informs decision making.
  2. Estimate the creep life in accordance with an appropriate analytical assessment method using actual measured tee geometry and operating data. This step necessitates appropriate material correlations for creep strain rate to determine creep redistributed stresses and appropriate creep rupture correlations for calculations to predict time to crack initiation.
  3. If appropriate based on life estimation results, schedule subsequent condition assessments to look for damage at an appropriate point with respect to estimated damage accumulation and risk tolerance.
  4. Consider reviewing and pre-planning mitigation options prior to scheduling inspections.
    • Planning should account for the fact that fitness for service assessments may not result in extensive times to through-wall crack propagation. Stresses in the crotch region have been fairly uniform resulting in short remaining life projections.
    • Planning needs to account for the fact that potentially inadequate tee design requirements are still being addressed by the code committees, and, as such, off-the-shelf replacement tees may also lack reinforcement to ensure appropriate service lifetimes.

Get News & Views, Volume 54

News & Views, Volume 52 | Online Monitoring of HRSG with SIIQ™

Figure 1. Typical components that are monitored with the pertinent damage mechanisms in mind.


By:  Kane Riggenbach and Ben Ruchte

SI has successfully implemented a real-time, online, damage monitoring system for the Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) at a combined cycle plant with a 3×1 configuration (3 HRSGs providing steam to a single steam turbine).  The system is configured to quantify and monitor the life limiting effects of creep and fatigue at select locations on each of the HRSGs (e.g. attemperators, headers, and drums – see Figure 1).  The brand name for this system is SIIQ™, which exists as a monitoring solution for high energy piping (HEP) systems and/or HRSG pressure-part components.  SIIQ™ utilizes off-the-shelf sensors (e.g. surface-mounted thermocouples) and existing instrumentation (e.g. thermowells, pressure taps, flow transmitters, etc.) via secure access to the data historian.  The incorporation of this data into SI’s damage accumulation algorithms generates results that are then displayed within the online monitoring module of SI’s PlantTrack™ data management system (example of the dashboard display shown in Figure 2).  

Figure 2. Example dashboard of the health status and ‘action’ date for a variety of components.

This article will be part of a series discussing items such as the background for monitoring, implementation/monitoring location selection, and future results for the 3×1 combined cycle plant.  

  • Article 1 (current):  Introduction to SIIQ™ with common locations for monitoring within HRSGs (and sections of HEP systems)
  • Article 2: Process of SIIQ™ implementation for the 3×1 facility with a discussion of the technical foundation for damage tracking
  • Article 3: Presentation of results from at least 6+ months, or another appropriate timeframe, of online monitoring data

The owner of the plant implemented the system with the desire of optimizing operations and maintenance expenses by reducing inspections or at least focusing inspections on the highest risk locations.  The system has been in place for a few months now and is continuously updating risk ranking of the equipment and ‘action’ intervals.  The ‘action’ recommended may be operational review, further analysis, or inspections.  This information is now being used to determine the optimum scope of work for the next maintenance outage based on the damage accumulated.  Like many combined cycle plants, attemperators are typically a problem area.  Through monitoring, however, it can be determined when temperature differential events occur and to what magnitude.  Armed with this information aides in root cause investigation but also, if no damage is recorded, may extend the inspection interval.

Many HRSG systems are susceptible to damage due to high temperatures and pressures as well as fluctuations and imbalances.  Attemperators have been a leading cause of damage accumulation (fatigue) through improper design/operation of the spray water stations (Figure 5).  In addition, periods of steady operation can result in accumulation of creep damage in header components (Figure 6) and unit cycling increases fatigue and creep-fatigue damage in stub/ terminal tubes and header ligaments (Figure 7).  Monitoring the damage allows equipment owners to be proactive in mitigating or avoiding further damage.

Traditionally, periodic nondestructive examinations (NDE) would be used to determine the extent of damage, but in HRSGs this can be challenging due to access restraints and, in the case of the creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) materials such as Grade 91, damage detection sensitivity is somewhat limited until near end of life.  Continuous online monitoring and calculations of damage based on unit-specific finite element (FE) models (sometimes referred to as a ‘digital twin’) with live data addresses this issue.

Figure 4. Examples of damage observed by SI on attemperators.

Reliable life consumption estimates are made by applying SI’s algorithms for real-time creep and fatigue damage tracking, which use operating data, available information on material conditions, and actual component geometry.

Figure 5. Examples of creep damage observed by SI on header link pipe connections (olets).

SIIQ tracks trends in damage accumulation to intelligently guide life management decisions, such as the need for targeted inspections, or more detailed “off-line” analysis of anomalous conditions. This marks a quantum leap forward from decision making based on a schedule rather than on actual asset condition. 

Figure 6. Examples of creep/fatigue damage observed by SI at tube-to-header connections.

Figure 7. Examples of online monitoring alerts generated from SIIQ

SIIQ can be configured to provide email alerts (Figure 7) when certain absolute damage levels are reached, or when a certain damage accumulation over a defined time frame is exceeded. In this way, the system can run hands-off in the background, and notify maintenance personnel when action might be required.

Get News & Views, Volume 52

News & View, Volume 48 | Bypass Line Spray Issues

News & Views, Volume 48 | Bypass Line Spray Issues

News & View, Volume 48 | Bypass Line Spray IssuesBy:  Ben Ruchte and Kane Riggenbach

To provide operating flexibility, combined cycle plants are typically equipped with bypass systems (high pressure routing steam to cold reheat and hot reheat routing steam to the condenser).  These bypass systems include conditioning valves designed to reduce steam pressures followed by outlet desuperheaters which inject water to reduce steam temperatures.

This service environment exposes the downstream piping to a high frequency of temperature transients making these areas one of the most prominent ‘industry issues’.